Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Contemporary Art

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Joël Curtz


Installation Views

Photo: Joël Curtz, Courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Installation view: Joël Curtz at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2009

Photo: Joël Curtz, Courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Photo: Joël Curtz, Courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Installation view: Joël Curtz at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2009

Photo: Joël Curtz, Courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Press Release

Galerie Gilla Loercher is very pleased to present the first solo exhibition of the French artist Joël Curtz. For his photographic work "Intrusion", Joël Curtz was awarded the "Mission Jeunes Artistes" prize of the "Forum de l'Image" in 2007. This award-winning series can now be seen for the first time in Germany, supplemented by other video / performance and film works from recent years.
For "Intrusion", the artist went to the streets and parking lots of Strasbourg and induced motorists to have them photographed by him. In order to create the ideal photo situation possible, the willing were asked to take a seat on the back seat of their car. The resulting black and white portraits based on the motto "My car and I" are of enormous presence.

Joël Curtz always works with the medium of performance. Curtz first enters and destroys the driver's privacy in order to then completely re-stage it. For the artist, photography is just a pretext for telling completely different stories.
His filmed performance "Intrusion", which was created in Paris in 2007 in cooperation with the artist Younes Baba-Ali, is also about occupying private space. Even if Joël Curtz, demonstrating his peaceful intentions, is dressed entirely in white during the street action, very few motorists allow the artist to get into their car without being asked.