Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Contemporary Art

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Yoana Tuzharova

FOLDING VOID – first show at the new gallery address | Grolmanstr. 28, 10623 Berlin

Installation Views

Installation view Yoana Tuzharova at Galerie GillaLoercher Grolman28 10623 Berlin IMG_5045

Installation view Yoana Tuzharova at Galerie GillaLoercher Grolman28 10623 Berlin IMG_5045

Photo: Gilla Loercher

Installation view Yoana Tuzharova at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2024. IMG_5037

Installation view Yoana Tuzharova at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2024. IMG_5037

Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, Untitled 2024. IMG_5044

Yoana Tuzharova, Untitled 2024. IMG_5044

LED on MDF, power supply units, emulsion paint and varnish, electrical wiring.
150 x 95 x 9 cm Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

YoanaTuzharaova bei GalerieGillaLoercher2024.CHR_4489 web

YoanaTuzharaova bei GalerieGillaLoercher2024.CHR_4489 web

Photo: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

YoanaTuzharova at GalerieGillaLoercher3.24

YoanaTuzharova at GalerieGillaLoercher3.24

Photo: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher and the artist


Yoana Tuzharova, Untitled 2024. IMG_4997

Yoana Tuzharova, Untitled 2024. IMG_4997

LED on MDF, power supply units, emulsion paint and varnish, electrical wiring.
160 x 104 x 9 cm Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, RGB II, 2023. LED on MDF. IMG_5041

Yoana Tuzharova, RGB II, 2023. LED on MDF. IMG_5041

100 x 87 x 31 cm
Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, RGB II, 2023. LED on MDF. IMG_5040

Yoana Tuzharova, RGB II, 2023. LED on MDF. IMG_5040

100 x 87 x 31 cm
Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, Clair obscur I, 2023.  LED on MDF.IMG_4998

Yoana Tuzharova, Clair obscur I, 2023. LED on MDF.IMG_4998

160 x 95 x 13 cm
Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, Clair obscur II, 2024, LED on MDF. IMG_4999.

Yoana Tuzharova, Clair obscur II, 2024, LED on MDF. IMG_4999.

160 x 104 x 9 cm
Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2024. IMG_5002

Yoana Tuzharova at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2024. IMG_5002

RGB II, 2023.
LED on poplar wood, power supply units, emulsion paint, electrical wiring 190 x 130 x 20 cm. Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, Etude for a painting in blue and red, 2023.  IMG_5043

Yoana Tuzharova, Etude for a painting in blue and red, 2023. IMG_5043

LED on MDF, power supply units, emulsion paint and varnish, electrical wiring.
70 x 50 x 10 cm Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, Untitled 2024. IMG_5044

Yoana Tuzharova, Untitled 2024. IMG_5044

LED on MDF, power supply units, emulsion paint and varnish, electrical wiring.
150 x 95 x 9 cm Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Yoana Tuzharova, RGB II, 2023. IMG_5046

Yoana Tuzharova, RGB II, 2023. IMG_5046

LED on poplar wood, power supply units, emulsion paint, electrical wiring
190 x 130 x 20 cm. Photo: Gilla Loercher, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Press Release

Galerie Gilla Loercher is delighted to open its new gallery space in Berlin-Charlottenburg with a solo exhibition by Bulgarian artist Yoana Tuzharova.
The concrete works on display revolve around the perception of color, light and space.
The title of the exhibition, FOLDING VOID, refers metaphorically to the idea of being able to subtly shape or transform emptiness or nothingness. By applying light to the image carrier and thus merging the art of forming with the art of painting, Yoana Tuzharova dissolves or blurs the boundaries between the media.

Please note:
4 May 16:00: Artist Talk with Yoana Tuzharova and Wilko Austermann (Museum gegenstandsfreier Kunst) at the gallery.
Please join us for this event. The talk will be only in German language.

The exhibition FOLDING VOID reflects the multifaceted interaction of light and color as a medium and invites viewers to actively engage with the themes of transformation, perception and painting as an object. Yoana Tuzharova thus creates an immersive experience that encourages the viewer to think beyond the limitations of conventional painting techniques and explore new ways of seeing in an increasingly technologized world.

"In her light installations, Yoana Tuzharova (born 1986) plays with the boundaries of perception of color, light and space. Tuzharova's superimposition of surfaces in the image cites a sculptural approach, while the monochromatic color surfaces and colored light of her installations retain a painterly character," writes Maren Klinkhammer (Insel Hombroich Foundation) about the artist's work. (Excerpt from: Catalog Yoana Tuzharova, light matter, 2023)

The opening takes place on 15 March from 18:00-21:00.

Short biography | Yoana Tuzharova (born 1986 in Russe, Bulgaria) is a visual artist. She currently lives and works in Cologne. She studied from 2005 - 2009 at the University of Arts in Veliko Tyrnovo, Bulgaria (Bachelor). From 2013 - 2019 she studied sculpture and art in public space at the Kunstakademie Münster and graduated in 2017 as a master student of Prof. Maik Löbbert and Prof. Dirk Löbbert.
In 2021, the artist was awarded the "Förderpreis Junge Positionen NRW" by the Förderverein Unser Fritz 2/3 e. V., Herne. In 2021 she was nominated for the art prize "Junger Westen", Recklinghausen and in 2022 she received the "GWK-Kunstpreis", Münster. Her works have been exhibited in the following institutions, among others Raketenstation, Stiftung Insel Hombroich; KIT, Düsseldorf; Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto, Japan; Gustav Lübcke Museum, Hamm; Kunstmuseum Celle with Robert Simon Collection; MMIII Kunstverein Mönchengladbach, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster; Wewerka Pavillon, Münster; Gallery & Art Foundation Credo Bonum, Sofia, Bulgaria; Städtische Galerie Lüdenscheid; Museum Goch and Museum Schloss Moyland and in the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen.

Extended opening hours
CharlottenWalk: 15.03. from 18:00-21:00; 16.03. from 12:00 -18:00
Gallery Weekend: 26.04. from 12:00-20:00, 27.04. from 12:00-19:00, 28.04. from 12:00-16:00

15 Years Galerie Gilla Loercher | Contemporary Art
Wow! A total of 109 exhibitions were presented at the old location at Pohlstraße 73, 10785 Berlin until January 2024.

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