Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Contemporary Art

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Joanna Jones

I feel you feeling me

Installation Views

Ausstellung Joanna Jones , 10/2024

Ausstellung Joanna Jones , 10/2024

Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin
Foto: Ute Schendel

Joanna Jones 2024 at Galerie GillaLoercher_Foto_GGillaLoercherIMG_6726

Joanna Jones 2024 at Galerie GillaLoercher_Foto_GGillaLoercherIMG_6726

Galerie Gilla Loercher, Berlin
Foto: GGilla Loercher

Joanna Jones at Galerie Gilla Loercher 10/2024

Joanna Jones at Galerie Gilla Loercher 10/2024

Photo: Ute Schendel


JoannaJones.Towards a cloth of Gold.2022. 110 x 100 cm

JoannaJones.Towards a cloth of Gold.2022. 110 x 100 cm

Egg tempera on canvas
Foto: Ute Schendel, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher and the artist

Joann Jones_I am bringing something with me #5_2022. GalerieGillaLoercher

Joann Jones_I am bringing something with me #5_2022. GalerieGillaLoercher

Egg tempera on canvas
16 x 140 cm Foto: Ute Schendel, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher and the artist

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #6 _GalerieGillaLoercher

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #6 _GalerieGillaLoercher

Egg tempera, 160 x 140 cm
Foto: Ute Schendel

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #3. GalerieGillaLoercher

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #3. GalerieGillaLoercher

Egg tempera, 160 x 140 cm
Foto: Ute Schendel

Joann Jones_And did time just fly past #1_2011_210 x 170 cm. Galerie Gilla Loercher

Joann Jones_And did time just fly past #1_2011_210 x 170 cm. Galerie Gilla Loercher

Egg Tempera on canvas
Foto: Ute Schendel

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #1_2022.GalerieGillaLoercher

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #1_2022.GalerieGillaLoercher

Egg tempera on canvas
160 x 130 cm Foto: Ute Schendel

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #2_2022_GalerieGillaLoercher

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #2_2022_GalerieGillaLoercher

Egg tempera on canvas
160 x 130 cm Foto: Ute Schendel, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #8_2022

Joanna Jones_I am bringing something with me #8_2022

Egg tempera on canvas
160 x 140 cm Foto: Ute Schendel, courtesy Galerie Gilla Loercher and the artist

Press Release

Galerie Gilla Loercher is delighted to present the exhibition "I feel you feeling me" by British painter Joanna Jones (born 1945) from October 12. This is the artist's sixth solo exhibition at the gallery.

The opening is on 11 October 2024 from 7 pm.
The artist talk with Joanna Jones and Laura Padgett will take place on 12 October from 11:00-12:00.

The exhibition will be accompanied by Joanna Jones' catalog, recently published by Edition Galerie Gilla Loercher. ISBN: 978-3-00-075087-8

Gilla Loercher about the work of the British bodypainting artist:
"Joanna Jones has developed a very idiosyncratic visual language over the last four decades, which is probably most closely related to the Abstract Expressionism of Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler or Grace Hartigan. And yet Jones’ approach is quite different, also more radical and immediate. Her imagery is very energetic and expressive, and she allows the viewer to participate in her incredible sense of colour and tone. The painter uses her body exclusively for the application of paint, whereby it is not about frottage here but rather about dancing, flowing movement in the paint and a direct expression of an inner world, her thoughts and feelings. Joanna Jones places the generally large-format canvases on the floor of her studio and proceeds in a kind of ‘blind’ flight into the colour, she then repeats the process again and again, gets up and looks at what has been created almost blindly, and then decides with which colour, with which consistency of colour or with which movement she continues her composition.
The depth effect that her paintings achieve, painted with egg tempera in many layers of the most varied colour textures, is impressive. Her paintings seem to have no beginning and no end. You cannot read the creative process from them either. Images are created that stimulate contemplation and calm and evoke a very sensual colour perception."
Artist Statement Joanna Jones: "I paint using a performative process that positions my body as an agency of a particular kind of knowing, taking painting into the territory of an event – a constitution of elements that make something happen: the consistency of the paint, my choice of colour, what concerns my mind, what vibrates through my body, what rings in my ears. I use my body to create the paintings but it is the paintings that invite the gaze.”

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