Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Contemporary Art

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Ab van Hanegem

Recent Paintings

Installation Views

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Installation view: Ab van Hanegem at Galerie Gilla Lörcher 2021

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Installation view: Ab van Hanegem at Galerie Gilla Lörcher 2021

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Installation view: Ab van Hanegem at Galerie Gilla Lörcher 2021

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Installation view: Ab van Hanegem at Galerie Gilla Lörcher 2021

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Installation view: Ab van Hanegem at Galerie Gilla Lörcher 2021

Foto: CHROMA, courtesy Galerie Gilla Lörcher


Acrylic on paper, framed <br>87 x 65 cm

Photo: the artist

Untitled, 2020

Acrylic on paper, framed
87 x 65 cm Photo: the artist

Acrylic on paper, framed 
<br>87 x 65 cm

Photo: the artist

Untitled, 2019

Acrylic on paper, framed
87 x 65 cm Photo: the artist

Acrylic on canvas <br>180 x 150 cm

Photo: the artist

Untitled, 2018

Acrylic on canvas
180 x 150 cm Photo: the artist

Acrylic on canvas 
<br>180 x 150 cm

Photo: the artist

Untitled, 2018

Acrylic on canvas
180 x 150 cm Photo: the artist

Acrylic on canvas <br>180 x 150 cm

Untitled, 2020/21

Acrylic on canvas
180 x 150 cm

Press Release

Galerie Gilla Lörcher is very pleased to present the solo show by Dutch artist Ab van Hanegem. The exhibition provides an overview of the painters new work.
„In my more recent work, the spaciousness is no longer clearly orientated towards the perspective. The dimensions in my work are difficult to identify precisely. I focus on spaciousness inspired by phenomena from the topology, a branch of mathematics. The most recent works are mainly expressionist, material plays a greater role in the creation, yet it is often constructed as architecture. For me these ‘impossible’ structures represent special areas, ‘thinking spaces’ you might say. Areas where you can wander infinitely, not only with your eyes but also mentally.“ (Ab van Hanegem)

Dutch artist Ab van Hanegem (born 1960) studied at Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten St. Joost (Breda, NL) and at Rijksacademie (Amsterdam, NL). He lives and works in Amsterdam and Berlin. Ab van Hanegem was awarded the Stiftung Vordemberge-Gildewart stipend and the Charlotte Köhler award. His works have been shown in numerous institutions and galleries internationally (Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL; Drawing Center New York, US; Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, NL; Centraal Museum Utrecht, NL; Museum De Beijerd, Breda, NL; Museum Wiesbaden, D; Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, D; Kunstmuseum Heidenheim, D; Clemens Sels Museum, Neuss, D; City Hall de Paauw, Wassenaar, NL; Kunstverein Malkasten Düsseldorf, D; Kunstverein Koelnberg, Köln, D; Tekengenootschap Pictura, Dordrecht, NL; Galerie Art & Project, Slootdorp, NL; Vous etes ici, Amsterdam, NL; Galerie Gilla Lörcher, Berlin, D; among others) and at art fairs Art Cologne, Art Brussel, POSITIONS Berlin art fair, art Karlsruhe and on many more occasions. His work is part of a number of collections like KPN, Mondstudio, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Centraal Museum in Utrecht, Collection Sanders in Amsterdam and Bouwfonds Nederlandse Gemeenten.