Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Contemporary Art

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Thomas Jocher

unshaven reality

Installation Views

Photo: Thomas Jocher

Installation view: Thomas Jocher at Galerie Gilla Loercher 2009

Photo: Thomas Jocher

Press Release

With the exhibition “unshaven reality“, Gallery Gilla Lörcher presents the first solo exhibition by the Austrian artist Thomas Jocher in Berlin. The exhibition presents paintings where the main motif and the background of the image are almost disconcertingly combined with one another.

“I find it very appealing to distill objects and to deliberately merge them with others, creating repulsive or attractive hybrids: flowers, fruit, horses, fish, sausages and other vegetables, at first glance immediately recognizable and banal, but nevertheless transported to a mysterious, indefinable open space between reality and the subconscious“, explained Thomas Jocher in an interview. Translated by: Julia Xavier Stier